
¡Hablemos español!

Practise and improve your Spanish by joining the Bradford Spanish Circle.

Practise and improve your Spanish without the cost of going abroad!

Build on knowledge learnt in evening classes or at school.

Listen to speakers from all over Spain and Latin America.

Join in conversation on a wide variety of topics, from news and politics to holidays and television programmes.

Immerse yourself each week in a little Spanish culture.

¡Bienvenido a todos!

Join The Spanish Circle Today

Just £20 per year

Join as many additional Circles as you wish for free it’s still only £20

CALL Sally on 0113 2502403

Join The Spanish Circle Today

Just £20 per year

Join as many additional Circles as you wish for free

it’s still only £20

CALL Sally on 0113 2502403


This is not a Spanish course nor do we give Spanish lessons as such. Learning and improvement comes naturally as week by week you encounter the spoken language in conversation in a social setting or from entertaining guest speakers. Many find this style of learning more effective and far more enjoyable than a formal Spanish course or lessons.

He tenido el placer, el orgullo, de contribuir al programa de actividades del Círculo con una charla anual desde 1997. Querría felicitar al Círculo por su extraordinaria labor de difusión y enriquecimiento cultural en la ciudad de Bradford.

Antonio Martínez Arboleda, University of Leeds.

There are few places where you can go along and practise speaking and listening in another language. When cycling the Camino de Santiago de Compostella there were many occasions where I had to use my Spanish. Read more…

Pam Read

Los miembros de la sección son muy simpáticos y hacen sentir muy bienvenidos a todos aquellos que son nuevos. Fue así como me fui quedando y ahora puedo decir que cuento con varios amigos en el círculo. Read more…

Eduardo Espinoza


Some Common Questions:

When & where do you meet?

The Spanish Circle meets weekly on Mondays from 7:30 pm, alternating between Zoom and in person at 10 Eldon Place, Manningham Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire. BD1 3AZ. Please email bradfordlanguagecircle@gmail.com for more information. 

Bradford Circle for Foreign Languages

10 Eldon Place, Manningham Lane,

Bradford, West Yorkshire. BD1 3AZ.

Hope to see you soon!

My Spanish is very basic can I still join?

Absolutely! We welcome and cater for all abilities. The aim is to maintain and develop language skills. Some people prefer to just listen until they are confident enough to join in… that is absolutely fine. Mistakes and getting it wrong is how we improve most.

Do I have to commit to every week?

Come as often or as little as you wish.

Will I be the only newcomer?

We constantly welcome new members and make sure they settle in. The atmosphere is very informal.

I don't live near Bradford, can I still come?

Of course. We think it’s worth travelling for. The Bradford Circle For Foreign Languages is the only group of it’s kind in the UK. We have been featured on TV and members travel from far and wide (even Lancashire) and from all across West Yorkshire to take advantage of the Circle’s unique benefits.

Your Spanish Circle contact is:

Maureen: 01274 673576

Any Programme Changes are notified here:



2024/2025 PROGRAMME        

September 2      Mi mes de viajes en Ucrania – Chris Pateman

September 9      Conversación, Eldon Place

September 16    No meeting – trip to Spain

September 23    No meeting – trip to Spain

September 30    Conversación, Eldon Place

October 7            Zoom meeting

October 14          Quiz – Alan Clark

October 21          Zoom meeting

October 28          La respuesta internacional a la Guerra Civil Española –

                              Intervención o no intervención – Maureen Grace

 November 4      Zoom meeting

November 11     The 1937 Spanish Civil War Basque children’s

                              evacuation to England Part One – Simon Jennings

November 18     Zoom meeting

November 25     Incas – Eduardo Espinoza

December 2        Zoom meeting

December 9        Spanish Civil War Basque children’s evacuation

                               Part Two (1937-1947) – Simon Jennings

December 16      Fiesta de Navidad, Eldon Place

  6 enero               Zoom meeting    
13 enero               Zoom meeting  

20 enero               Conversación, Eldon Place

27 enero               Zoom meeting

  3 febrero             El manuscrito y yo

                                Dave McDougall

10 febrero             Zoom meeting

17 febrero             La economía extraña de Cuba

                                Chris Pateman

24 febrero             Zoom meeting







Join The Spanish Circle Today

Just £20 per year Join as many additional Circles as you wish for free it’s still only £20 CALL Sally on 0113 2502403

Are you on our mailing list?

Please add me to the Circle mailing list so that:

  • I'm kept up to date
  • I get the new programme as soon as it's available
  • I quickly find out about special event updates

if you change your mind at any time just contact us and we will remove you from the list

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