What People Say

He tenido el placer, el orgullo, de contribuir al programa de actividades del Círculo con una charla anual desde 1997.
Querría felicitar al Círculo por su extraordinaria labor de difusión y enriquecimiento cultural en la ciudad de Bradford.

I enjoy going to the group regularly.
It helps me to practice understanding and speaking Italian in an informal atmosphere while learning about many aspects of life in Italy as well as other topics.
We learn together, a light-hearted bunch of friendly people.

In the 1980’s my work led me to a posting in rural France. I had done “O” Level French at school and did a crash course before setting off. I thought then that I spoke reasonable French, but after a few hours in France I realised that I didn’t! Over the next three years my French improved and on returning home I was pretty fluent. I used my French a bit at work after that, but despite many holidays it gradually became more and more rusty.
I joined the Circle at the start of 2015 and have found that it has really helped get my French going again. It’s a friendly group of people and the sessions are very varied, with different people leading them. People contribute as much as they feel comfortable doing. The social events are lively, particularly the boules evening in the summer !

I have been a member of the German Circle for longer than I care to remember and I have found it is an excellent way to keep my German up to date alongside friendly and like-minded people.
Our programme includes Guest Speakers whose topics cover a wide range of interesting subjects, interspersed with our own “Conversation” evenings.
We know in advance what we are going to talk about, which enables us to prepare so that we can all participate in the evening.
Our German trip this year was to Hamburg, where my husband and I enjoyed a few days with other members of the Circle.
If you would like to join us you would be most welcome at 7.30pm on Wednesdays.

The friendly free-flowing conversation is what keeps me coming back to the German language circle. The welcoming members are happy to share past experiences, today’s news and future plans – alles natürlich auf Deutsch.
Ich habe in meiner Jugend angefangen Deutsch zu lernen, um unabhängiger zu sein, wenn ich Freunde in Deutschland besuchte. Später wohnte ich für kurze Zeit in einer deutschsprachigen Wohngemeinschaft (WG), wo ich die Kunst des alltäglichen Gespräches lernte und mein Deutsch verbesserte.
Back in the UK, it’s fantastic to find a group where everyday conversation is central to maintaining and improving my German. Just like in the WG! It’s much more relaxed than a class – no exercises or homework! We are just a group of German speakers of differing levels – including a couple of native speakers – having fun whilst we talk, listen and learn new things from each other. Realizing that one’s confidence is improving and enjoying a great conversation in German is a great antidote to the daytime stresses of everyday life.
Heutzutage verwende ich mein Deutsch am häufigsten im Urlaub, im Gespräch mit anderen Hotel- oder Resortgästen aus Deutschland. Dank des deutschen Sprachkreises werden meine Gespräche im nächsten Sommer freier fließen.
Why not come along to the German circle und mach mit!

It helps to maintain my Spanish
knowledge and enables me to interact with confidence when abroad.
When cycling the Camino de Santiago de Compostella there were many occasions where I had to use my Spanish.
There are few places where you can go along and practise speaking and listening in another language.
It’s inexpensive and a great way to meet others who share a passion for languages.

I’ve been a member for over 25 years and am a self-confessed Francophile. Even my wife addresses me only as Pierre.
The Circle is my little bit of France. I cross through that door and go into immediate French mode. A member once commented that she found it odd when I spoke English to her outside.
It’s the opportunity to converse freely in French that I just love.

The Circle is a rich and enjoyable environment for enhancing language.
I particularly like its friendly, supportive, patient and inclusive atmosphere.

Je suis devenue membre de la section française il y a à peu près un an – je venais de prendre la retraite après 36 ans dans l’enseignement secondaire comme prof de français et d’allemand et je voulais pouvoir continuer à pratiquer mes langues. Pour la première fois depuis les années 80, j’avais des soirées libres et les genoux vides – sans copies ou cahiers à corriger et sans cours à préparer!
Depuis ma première visite je me sentais bien à l’aise et tout le monde était vraiment accueuillant. Chaque semaine il y a toujours quelque chose de différent – une discussion à theme [décidé à l’avance!] où chacun peut participer ou seulement écouter, des films français intéressants et variés, des présentations faites par les membres. Parfois on a même l’occasion de déguster des délices français! Chaque semaine on apprend des choses, mais surtout, on rigole et on s’amuse.
Ce que j’apprécie le plus? L’ambiance décontractée et le fait que chacun est encouragé de participer et donc peut s’améliorer en français en devenant plus confiant.

Negli anni passati ho presenziato come leader all’italiano.
L’anno scorso ho approfondito il mio francese. Quest’anno sono studente nello spagnolo.
É interessante occupare bene il tempo libero, incontrare diversa gente nuova, apprendere cose nuove sui costumi, tradizioni, cibo… Ne vale veramente la pena.
Ti aspettiamo!

Vor 15 Jahren besuchte ich den Bradford Circle zum ersten Mal. Ich wurde freundlich aufgenommen, und alle sprachen gut und schön Deutsch.
Viele waren oft auf Urlaub oder beruflich in Deutschland und Österreich tätig.
Wenn Sie gerne Deutsch sprechen wollen, bitte kommen Sie, wir haben hier viel Spaß und interessante Unterhaltungen. Herzliche Grüße !

After giving talks at the Circle for a number of years Chilean Eduardo Espinoza decided to become a member and listen to other people’s.
“Los tópicos son muy variados e interesantes y en su mayoría presentados por personas hispano-parlantes y de todo tipo de experiencia. Siempre hay algo nuevo para aprender.
Los miembros de la sección son muy simpáticos y hacen sentir muy bienvenidos a todos aquellos que son nuevos.
Fue así como me fui quedando y ahora puedo decir que cuento con varios amigos en el círculo.”
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